Namaste, welcome to Yamuna-IAM.
We are very grateful that you have blessed us with your presence.
Our journey is to share the practice of Self Enquiry supporting seekers in awakening consciousness and discovering the one true self (Sadguru)
After five years of twice daily Self-Enquiry asking the ultimate question “WHO AM I” I got the chance to visit India.
The place, the people, its history, and its spiritual abundance felt so familiar.
Sat on the steps of the Pamarth ashram looking upon Shiva and the great Ganges I realised that this journey of Vedanta found me, all I did was follow the breadcrumbs as they showed up.
Om Namah Shivaya
A little about my journey which led to the name yamuna
My spiritual journey began many years ago, and it's been quite a journey. I've studied various healing techniques, from energy healing to transformational coaching, Yoga and mindfulness. But the most significant lessons have come from within. Advaita Vedanta has been a key part of this journey, helping me understand the true nature of reality. I've learned that happiness and fulfilment come from within, not from the external world!
The ancient Indian sages, the Rishis, taught that we are all divine beings! This divine essence, often called the "I AM or Self" is the source of everything. It's always there, unchanging, eternal all pervading our true self
Through the quiet depths of self-enquiry, the name "Yamuna" emerged, a vibrational mantra echoing from the cosmic depths. Initially overlooked, it was eventually embraced as a divine gift. To unveil the ultimate truth of "I AM That," we must transcend the illusory realms of mind and body. As the sage Ramana Maharshi proclaimed, "Silence is the greatest teacher."
As we peel away the layers of illusion, we uncover the radiant core of our being (Self). Self-enquiry, a potent alchemical process, dissolves the egoic structures that obscure our true nature. Like a clouded mirror, our minds can be obscured by limiting beliefs and desires. By polishing the mirror of consciousness, we reveal the divine light within!