Sound healings are a harmonious symphony of sound, a vibrational dance that soothes the soul. Sound healing, an ancient practice embraced by cultures worldwide, leverages the power of music to restore balance and well-being!
Our bodies, fluid and receptive, resonate with these sonic vibrations, promoting circulation, invigorating energy flow, and inducing a state of profound relaxation. As brainwaves harmonize with the rhythm of sound, the body awakens its innate healing abilities!
In the beginning, a sound came out of the darkness or void in the vibration of OM The primordial sound, the sound that creates all life in the universe.
The essence of all beings is earth, the essence of earth is water, the essence of water is plants, the essence of plants is man, the essence of man is speech, the essence of speech is sacred knowledge, the essence of speech is sacred knowledge, the essence of sacred knowledge is word and sound, the essence of word and sound is OM.
Swami Sivananda Sarasvati who was a strong presence along my journey to self-realisation cites a well-known Vedic metaphor:
“OM is the bow, the mind is the arrow, God or Brahman is the target… Strike the target.. OM is the inner music of the soul…. Become yourself through OM.
Always think of OM. Sing OM. Recite OM. Practice OM. Meditate OM. Enter the ship OM. Sail on it…. And safely land in the wonderful city of the Eternal Brahma.
My journey with sound began many years ago starting with crystal singing bowls, Tibetan meditation bells, the Didj, and medicine rattles. Then the sacred chants began to open up to me, which guided me to the Shruit box, Indian Harmonium and singing sacred mantras!
The next stage was being guided to combine energy healing practice knowledge with the sound frequencies, which was incredible. The result is a transformative experience for the mind, body and spirit.